Identifying Roles for the Inquiry  
As your CLIP begins conducting its inquiry, each CLIP member needs to take on one –
or several – roles to get the data collection and analysis work done efficiently.

As facilitator, you help the group identify which role(s) each member takes. Likely roles are:

  • arranging logistics for gathering data (e.g., meeting rooms for interviews)
  • preparing data collection tools (e.g., questionnaires, interview guides)
  • gathering data
  • analyzing quantitative data
  • analyzing qualitative data
  • writing summaries of findings
  • preparing reports of your results (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, a memo to your department, etc.)

Modules 4 and 5 address the actual tasks that your CLIP will carry out during your inquiry. If you and your CLIP have not yet studied these modules, be sure to do so before your CLIP begins its inquiry.

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